Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Welcome to Video Games and Cultural Analysis version 3.0 (ENG 3612 Fall 2012). This class will take a holistic approach to analyzing games rather than the more common design-centric approach (ludology) or the purely narrative-centered approach (narratology).

Our method will be similar to reader response theory; we will be using existing philosophical and cultural studies texts to evaluate current games/trends in the gaming industry. The papers you produce in this class will be of high enough quality to submitted to academic conferences.

If you are wondering if you would like to take this class, keep this in mind: the game(s) you pick for your final project in this class should be your favorite game(s), not your favorite game right now. The game you pick for study should be that one old game that you always go back to, the game that had the most impact on you as a child, and/or the game you immediately think of when you think about why you play games. (If you know what I’m talking about, this class is for you)

This is the third time that I have been able to teach this class at the University of Central Florida. If you are interested in the first two iterations of the class, along with assignments and student projects, check them out here:
